Catholic Family News is a monthly journal and online media apostolate dedicated to promoting the Catholic Faith of all time, “in the same meaning and the same explanation” (Vatican I) as Catholic doctrine has always been taught throughout the ages.
Accessing the Spiritual Riches of Dom Columba Marmion
The Name Above All Names: Importance of the Holy Name Devotion
On the Catholic Priesthood
Why Catholic Liberal Arts Schools Should Embrace the Traditional Mass • Editor’s Note: The following is a transcript of prepared remarks delivered by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski to Holy Family Academy (Manassas, VA) via video link on Aug. 22, 2022.
The History of the Eucharistic Fast • From the Early Fathers to the Present Day
Do We Really Need to “Rebrand”? • Mass of the Ages and the “Mean Trad” Stereotype
Reclaiming the Narrative: The Importance of History and Making It Come Alive • “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?” – Cicero
No, Mr. Weigel, Vatican II was Not “Necessary” • Critique of To Sanctify the World, Part I
Fatima and the Five Simple Steps to Sanctity
Msgr. Fenton’s Handbook of Catholic Apologetics • The Discernibility of Divine Revelation: Part II
St. Francis de Sales and the Spirit of Trent
BEATUS POPULI: Civitas Dei and Civitas Diaboli in Contemporary Society • Message of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò at the National Day of “Liberi in Veritate” Committee1 Nov. 5, 2022 – Palazzolo sull’Oglio (Italy) “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” – Ps. 143:15
New Year’s Resolution: Put the Interior Life First • Feast of the Circumcision – Jan. 1, 2023
Famous Pro-Life Priest Cancelled by the Vatican